A tender love story about a relatively new kind of relationship is the subject of the Lithuanian movie Slow, which had its Sundance premiere on Saturday. It could raise awareness of asexuality among viewers and give asexuals a sense of inclusion.
When Dovydas (Kestutis Cicenas) comes to translate for the deaf students in Elena’s dance class, she first meets Elena (Greta Grineviciute). Dovydas reveals to Elena that he is an asexual, which means he has no interest in having sex, as they get to know one another.
People who identify as asexuals do so in real life, and narrative media is starting to depict them more frequently. Even one of the characters from the animated Netflix series Bojack Horseman learned that they were asexual.
In a way that romance films rarely show, Elena and Dovydas get to know one another. No phony first encounter like in a romantic comedy from Hollywood. They converse and get to know one another as they stroll through the campus.
Dovydas wants to show Elena his love without deceiving her because she is interested in asexuality. Physically, but consensually, she pushes his limits with her. Before she touches him, she asks.
Slow draws comparisons between Elena’s time spent with Dovydas and her dates with men she sleeps with. Does Elena actually have a closer relationship with someone else?
This exploration could possibly come to a point where one person is disappointed they have reached the other’s limit. Though the direction Slow takes is unexpected, the characters it introduced are maintained.
One could speculate endlessly about how Elena and Dovydas’ lifestyles would mesh. The things that give them the most trouble are more surprising because they are able to resolve the most straightforward problems.
The difficulty in understanding Elena and Dovydas’ physicality ultimately outweighs the difficulty in communicating their distinct personal needs. The difficulty of communication is a problem in every relationship.
With their on-screen chemistry, newcomers Grineviciute and Cicenas both command the screen. Grineviciute appeared in two earlier short films, while Cicenas’s first credit is for this one. A captivating dancer, Grineviciute is also.
Drama about people seeking connection, Slow, is sensitive. Marija Kavtaradze, the writer-director, respects the needs of her characters while leading the audience on a tender journey.
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